Children’s Day - Te rā o ngā Tamariki
Published: February 26, 2020
At the heart of it all, Children’s Day - Te rā o ngā Tamariki is about spending quality time with kids and connecting with community.
Intro text
On March the 1st, more than 50,000 people will come together at community events across the country to celebrate children. So how can you celebrate Children’s Day?
Attend an event
Communities all over NZ have been registering their events on the Children’s Day website.
There are some awesome events to get involved in such as; the ‘Amazing Race’ in Napier, a ‘Superheroes Day’ in Levin, an ‘XRACE Mystery Adventure’ in Whangarei and a ‘Trolley Derby’ in Invercargill, just to name a few.
Visit the Children’s Day website and find out what events are happening in your region!
Practice your dance moves and create a dance
This year is all about getting out in nature, so why not hop into your backyard or head down to your local park and create a dance for Children’s Day. What’s more, if you film your dance and share it on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok with the hashtags #ChildrensDayNZ and #PutTamarikiFirst you could go in the draw to win some cool prizes!
Visit Children’s Day New Zealand on Facebook to find out more
What are you waiting for? Get involved this Children’s Day and show the world that here in New Zealand we put tamariki first.