Realising oranga tamariki
Published: September 24, 2019
Julian Reweti and Chelsea Te Terenga are Care and Protection social workers in Whangarei. They help ensure tamariki are safe and support whānau to make positive decisions. This is their whakaaro and message for National Social Workers Day.
Why did you join Oranga Tamariki?
"I believe in the changes Oranga Tamariki is implementing and how those changes can have long-term positive effects for whānau. I can assist the organisation to better understand te ao Māori and work with other cultures."
"Our name aligns with my own value system of whakapono, tumanako and aroha - to believe, aspire and love. With a background in tamariki ora and whānau ora, I knew I could work within the Oranga Tamariki kaupapa to support whānau to realise their potential."
What are your aspirations for Oranga Tamariki?
"There will be no need for an Oranga Tamariki in the future because all our children will be safe, and our communities will be happy and vibrant. But my aspirations for the organisation now is to better understand how to work with Māori families and tamariki."