Waitangi Tribunal Urgent Inquiry media statement

Published: April 30, 2021

Oranga Tamariki acknowledges the Waitangi Tribunal Urgent Inquiry findings

Please attribute to Oranga Tamariki Chief Executive Sir Wira Gardiner

We are pleased to receive this report from the Waitangi Tribunal. The recommendations made by the Tribunal are significant and require serious consideration by Government.

We acknowledged early on in the inquiry that disparities for Māori exist. Work to address these disparities within Oranga Tamariki is already well underway and this report will also inform our approach to addressing institutional bias.

The report will also support work to be done by all of us to address wider societal issues and their impact on tamariki Māori before they come into our care.

I want to thank all those who shared their experiences and knowledge with the Tribunal. This was not an easy thing to do – to share deeply personal experiences and trauma takes courage and resilience.

There is no doubt we need to continue to work together to ensure  tamariki mokopuna and their whānau are safe and secure.


Read the Waitangi Tribunal Urgent Inquiry findings.