1. Report of concern
What we do when we receive a report of concern.
Anyone can report a concern
Anyone who is worried about a tamaiti or rangatahi can make a report of concern to Oranga Tamariki or the Police.
We usually get called when people see behaviour that they believe isn’t right for the tamaiti or rangatahi they see.
When we receive a report of concern we may:
- provide advice about support available to the notifier reporting the concern or contact whānau to offer help
- refer the matter to other social services who are better equipped or already have a relationship with the whānau
- make a referral to a local agency or community agency who would be better placed to support.
If we think a more formal response is needed, we may complete a child and family assessment which helps us determine supports, services or assistance needed with the whānau, sometimes jointly with another agency.

If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 111.
If you're worried about a tamaiti and want to make a referral or report of concern, call us on freephone:
or email contact@ot.govt.nz
Please note we don't have an online report of concern form at this point, so please use the above email or phone number.
For more general enquiries, please use the channels listed on our contact us page.
Published: November 4, 2019 · Updated: August 1, 2023