Evidence Centre seminar: November 2017
Published: January 17, 2018
'Defining and measuring wellbeing and poverty' proved a popular topic for the Evidence Centre's first seminar.
First seminar a success
Daniel Miles explained our wellbeing model, and was followed by Bryan Perry of Ministry of Social Development talking about child poverty and the challenge of measuring it.
Over 140 people from government agencies, NGOs, academia and research organisations attended the seminar, which generated plenty of questions and post-event conversations.
Presentation slides
Evening the odds: Modelling wellbeing to drive better outcomes
Presentation explaining the Wellbeing Model, November 2017.
Pdf, 698 KB
Evening the odds - transcript
Transcript for presentation explaining the Wellbeing Model, November 2017.
Pdf, 633 KB
Thinking about child poverty
Concepts, frameworks, measures, trends and targets, November 2017.
Pdf, 491 KB
Our next event
Our next seminar is Thursday 1 February 2018 and will discuss 'Supporting youth through times of transition', featuring Nick Pole, Chief Review Officer at the Education Review Office and Mya Liston-Lloyd from the Oranga Tamariki Evidence Centre.
You can find out more and register for this event at Eventbrite.