
We know it's best for tamariki and rangatahi to stay safely at home. Our first goal is to work with parents, whānau, hapū and iwi to prevent children and young people from coming into our care.

In situations where staying at home isn’t possible, we take a whānau first approach. We seek to find a safe, stable and loving home within a child's wider whānau, hapū, iwi or family group.

When this is not an option, we may ask approved non-whānau foster carers/caregivers to provide temporary care for tamariki and rangatahi, while we work with parents and whānau to create a safe environment for them to live in.

We need caregivers from all walks of life who can open their hearts and homes to tamariki and rangatahi. The rewards are great if you have aroha, patience and an open mind.

Care is usually provided in the caregiver’s home, but there are also some foster carers who care in home environments provided by Oranga Tamariki.

Published: March 21, 2017 · Updated: May 22, 2024