Privacy statement
Your privacy is important to us. Read our privacy statement below to find out what information we collect, how and why we collect it, how long we keep it, your rights and how to access your personal information.
1. The data we collect from this website and why
This section applies to personal information collected on the website.
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We also use Google Analytics to collect and analyse details about the use of our website and provide summary information, e.g., the number of visitors to different parts of the website and what information is of most interest to visitors.
The information Google Analytics collects includes:
- the first three parts of the IP address of the device
- the pages accessed on our site and the links clicked on
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The information provided on this website is intended to provide general information to the public. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information set out in this website is accurate. However, you are advised that:
- The information provided does not replace or alter the laws of New Zealand or any other official guidelines or requirements.
- The contents of this website should not be construed as legal advice. Before relying on any information in this website users should independently verify its relevance for their purposes.
- Oranga Tamariki may change, delete, add to, or otherwise amend information contained on this website without notice.
- Oranga Tamariki is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Listing is for convenience only and should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. Oranga Tamariki cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and has no control over availability of the linked pages.
- Oranga Tamariki does not endorse any website, organisation, or people who have links to websites owned by Oranga Tamariki.
To learn more about the Ministry’s privacy practices, including our internal policies and processes and the legislation and guidance they are based on, please read on.
2. Our privacy vision
Our vision is to ensure all children in Aotearoa are in loving whānau and communities where their wellbeing is valued above all else, and we recognise that we cannot do this alone. Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti ai te mahi: we believe that only though a partnership approach with iwi, Māori organisations, community groups and NGOs will we be able to reach oranga tamariki.
In order to meet our vision, we must collect, use and share information about the tamariki, rangatahi, whānau and caregivers that we work with. When we do so, we have a heightened responsibility to make sure that we respect and safeguard the privacy of the individuals concerned.
3. What this Privacy Statement covers
This Privacy Statement applies to all personal information collected by Oranga Tamariki, including information collected on its behalf by third-party providers, partners, and NGOs. It sets out at a high level how Oranga Tamariki collects, stores, uses, and shares personal information in line with its operations and functions. These privacy practices are modelled after the requirements of Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act), our obligations under Section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act, and the guidance of the Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP), to ensure we treat the personal information we collect and hold lawfully, respectfully, and with care.
This Privacy Statement outlines:
- what personal information we collect from this website and why
- what personal information we collect about you and/or your whānau and why
- how we keep your personal information secure
- how we use your personal information
- with whom we may share your personal information and why
- how long we keep your personal information
- your rights in relation to the personal information we hold
- how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement or our privacy practices.
4. What personal information we collect and why
In order to understand the needs of tamariki and rangatahi we work with, ensure their safety and well-being, and support their communities, we will collect information about them, their whānau, and other people in their lives (for example, neighbours or teachers).
This information may include:
- address and location details
- family histories
- adoptive information
- caregiver information
- educational background
- allegations or reports of concern
- evidence of abuse
- health information and/or evaluations
- drug use or behavioural information
- youth justice information or criminal histories.
We also collect personal information about our employees to manage and support their employment in line with the wider goals of the Ministry.
5. How we collect personal information
We will collect personal information directly from you when we are able
We will try to make sure you understand what information we are collecting about you, why we are collecting it, and how it will be used. It is important that we are transparent about our intentions and wherever possible, provide you with enough information to make an informed choice about providing that information or, if we already hold it, agreeing to our intended use.
We collect personal information from third parties
Although we collect your personal information from you directly when we are able, the complex nature of our work means that, where authorised under the law, we may also collect personal information about you from others. Sometimes you may not be aware that we have collected this information about you.
Some of the third parties we may collect personal information from include:
- other Government agencies
- schools
- medical professionals
- NGOs and social service providers
- other whānau and family members
- members of the public (e.g., neighbours).
6. How we use your personal information
We use personal information to proactively support and maintain the safety and well-being of tamariki and rangatahi in Aotearoa, along with their whānau and wider communities, and help them to thrive.
This includes:
- identifying support services that may improve the well-being of tamariki, rangatahi, and their whānau
- assessing the suitability of caregivers and providing ongoing support
- deciding whether to investigate an allegation of abuse or neglect of a child or young person
- supporting other steps being taken under the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 such as managing an adoption or Youth Justice placement, or providing information to the courts
- identifying and investigating threats to our people, places, or operations
- conducting an inquiry.
We may also use personal information for research purposes to help us better understand what works and how better to improve outcomes for tamariki and their whānau.
Where we need or wish to use your personal information in a new or different way, we will only do so with your consent or if required or permitted by law.
7. Sharing of your personal information
Sharing personal information is a core requirement of our work. Our primary purpose for sharing information is to protect and support the safety and well-being of tamariki, their whānau, caregivers, and communities. This may include sharing your personal information with Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that are carrying out services for, or in partnership with us, and other care and protection agencies such as:
- Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora (Ministry of Social Development)
- Tāhū o te Ture (Ministry of Justice)
- Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa (New Zealand Police)
- Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections)
- Manatū Hauora (Ministry of Health)
- DHBs.
We also may share your personal information with Tatauranga Aotearoa (Stats NZ) or Te Kawa Mataaho (Public Service Commission) for statistical purposes or, where necessary, with another agency for the investigation of offences or where there is a serious threat to health or safety of any individual.
We will share your personal information only as permitted under relevant legislation including the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, the Privacy Act 2020, and approved information sharing agreements. Where possible and appropriate, we will share this information only with your knowledge and consent. You can read more about our practices on the information sharing page.
8. How we keep your personal information secure
We maintain secure physical and electronic environments for the protection of your personal information and records and we use reasonable security safeguards to protect information from loss, unauthorised access, use, or disclosure.
All Oranga Tamariki employees, contractors, and partners are required to act in accordance with the Privacy Act at all times.
9. How long we keep your personal information
When we collect your personal information, we do so for a specific purpose relating to our work and we will keep your personal information for as long as necessary to meet that purpose. At times this may require us to keep your personal information throughout your lifetime or longer. We may also need to retain your information to meet your needs, the needs of your whānau, or to be in compliance with the Public Records Act 2005. When we no longer need to retain your personal information, we will dispose of it securely.
10. Your rights and accessing your personal information
You have the right to request access to the personal information we hold about you.
To request a copy of your personal information, please call us on 0508 326 459 and ask for Customer Information Requests, or alternately you can email We may require proof of your identity before we provide you with a copy of your information.
We will respond to an information request within 20 working days of receiving it and we will give you written notice if we need more time to action your request. If we refuse an access request, we will tell you in writing the reasons for refusal and outline further steps you can take if you disagree with our decision.
We make reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal information we collect, use, or disclose is accurate. You also have the right to ask that we correct any errors or omissions in the information we hold about you.
If you consider that some of the information we hold about you is incorrect, you can ask us to change it by calling our National Contact Centre on 0508 326 459 or emailing us at Where appropriate, you can also make a request through your usual social worker or Oranga Tamariki contact person. We'll assess your request and will either change the record or explain why we think the information should not be changed. If we do not make the requested change, you have the right to provide a statement saying why you think the information is incorrect which we will attach to the original record.
11. Complaints
We are committed to responding to you and working with you to resolve any concerns you might have. The easiest way to sort out a problem is usually to contact your local Oranga Tamariki office. Talk to the person you've been dealing with or ask for the manager. Otherwise, use our feedback form. We’ll get back to you within 5 days – just make sure you give us your contact details.
If you don't want to use the online form, you can:
- call 0508 326 459
- complete a feedback form at your local Oranga Tamariki office.
If you're worried about the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person:
- call 111 if your concerns are urgent
- call freephone 0508 326 459 (available 24/7)
- email us at
If you've already made a complaint and feel your concern is still unresolved:
12. Questions or concerns
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement or our privacy practices, please contact:
National Contact Centre
Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children
Address: PO Box 546, Wellington 6140
If you are not satisfied with our response to your concerns, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner at:
Officer of the Privacy Commissioner
Address: PO Box 10 094, Wellington 6143
Phone: 0800 803 909
Published: July 3, 2019 · Updated: July 3, 2019