White paper for vulnerable children volume 1
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Sets out what will be done to protect vulnerable children who are at risk of maltreatment.
White paper for vulnerable children volume 2
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Contains the evidence and detailed policy rationale for each of the proposals in volume 1.
Early Intervention: a synthesis of recent research and evaluations
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This synthesis was commissioned to help inform the creation of the new Oranga Tamariki Early Intervention operating model.
Appendix 11: Model characteristics
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Appendix 11 for the Strengthening Families research report.
Te Toka Tūmoana
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Tangata whenua and bicultural principled wellbeing framework for working effectively with Māori.
Children's teams evaluation report
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Outlines the findings of an evaluation exploring the implementation and operation of three children’s teams - Canterbury, Horowhenua/Ōtaki and Rotorua.
Technical appendix B - whānau
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What we learnt from whānau. This technical appendix outlines the findings of an evaluation into whānau experiences with Children's Teams in Canterbury, Horowhenua/Ōtaki and Rotorua. In total, 13 people participated in a series of semi-structured interviews.
Technical appendix A - stakeholders
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What we learnt from key stakeholders. This technical appendix presents findings from an initials phase of evaluation work assessing the implementation and operation of Children's Teams.
Enhancing intake decision-making - full report
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Examines the use of information to enhance social worker intake decision-making, where a concern has been raised regarding a child or young person.
Dame Karen Poutasi report – Joint review into the Children's Sector
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Te Ao Kohatu - Principled framing of best practice with Mokopuna Maori
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A literature review of Indigenous theoretical and practice frameworks for mokopuna and whānau wellbeing.
How to make individual submissions (Easy Read)
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Information on how to make individual submissions (Easy Read).
Strengthening Families Literature Review
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Provides the international context and an overview of similar overseas programmes.
Development of the mana-enhancing Paradigm for Practice
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This paper traces the history of Te Ao Māori values and tikanga that culminated in the development of the mana-enhancing paradigm for social work practice.
Topic 1: The experimental ideal
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'Identifying causal effects in research and evaluation' presentation, 2019.
Services in Schools newsletter No. 4
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The 'Working together' newsletter for December 2019.
Takatāpui in Care
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Literature review on the challenge and harms faced by takatāpui in care
Prof Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Science Advisor: Discussion paper on preventing youth offending in New Zealand
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This report is from a series of discussion papers exploring factors that have led New Zealand to have a high incarceration rate. This report explores factors that are particularly relevant to youth offenders (up to age 25 years).
Ola manuia mo alo ma fanau Pasefika - A blessed wellbeing for our children, young people and families
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A report into the experiences, insights and voices of Pacific families who have engagements and interactions with Oranga Tamariki.
Support Materials Pack for Partnered Care
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This support materials pack has been designed to support kōrero and learning around working together to provide care for children & young people in Partnered Care. It can be used by facilitators, supervisors, and managers to support learning within their teams.