Information sharing provisions – tamariki and whānau at the centre

In 2019 changes were made to the Oranga Tamariki 1989 Act that allows for greater information sharing capability related to the wellbeing and safety of tamariki.

The changes give child welfare and protection agencies the ability to request, collect, use, and share personal information for purposes related to the wellbeing and safety of tamariki. 

The new provisions are designed to put the tamaiti and whānau at the centre and enable the right support and services to be provided to them.

Watch the video below and the tamariki will tell you why information sharing is important.

Information sharing - video transcript

Boy 1:

This is an official government video.

(music starts and plays softly in the background)

Girl 1:

The government has made changes to the rules about how information about children and young people is shared.

Boy 2:

It's important that information can be shared if there are concerns about someone's safety or wellbeing.

Boy 3:

So children and young people can get the right help and support they need.

Boy 2:

This might be social workers, teachers and police.

Boy 1:

Or, counsellors, doctors and nurses. And they'll only share information if they have a good reason to.

Girl 2:

Professionals who work with children and young people will always try to talk to them first.

Girl 1:

They can also tell the professionals who are working with them what they think about their information being shared.

They'll think about this carefully before they share anything.

Girl 2:

And they'll only share information if they have a good reason to.

Boy 2:

So that kids and young people can be safe.

Boy 3:

So kids and young people can be safe.

Girl 2:

Nailed it!

(Oranga Tamariki logo comes on screen)

(Music fades out)

End of transcript.

Evaluating voluntary information sharing

In 2021 we published a series of reports on how the child protection and welfare sector is using voluntary information sharing provisions in the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. The reports present the final evaluation findings along with the results from interviews and 2 online surveys.

Voluntary information provisions in the Oranga Tamariki Act | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children

Published: September 22, 2023