With the support of our valued partners, iwi, practitioners, NGOs and professionals – including doctors, teachers and Police – we can provide care and protection to our most at-risk tamariki and rangatahi.
Safe and appropriate information sharing will ensure everyone working with tamariki can collaborate in the best interests of the child
We work with communities, NGOs and government agencies to support at-risk tamariki and rangatahi. Here you'll find information about funding for providers, including the funding code of practice.
The Children's Act 2014 was part of a series of comprehensive measures brought in to protect and improve the wellbeing of vulnerable tamariki. Find information and resources for employers, organisations and individuals relating to the Act.
We provide school-based social work services for tamariki across the motu, where social or whānau circumstances are causing them to struggle with their education.
Published: March 28, 2017 · Updated: June 30, 2023