Youth justice is for tamariki and rangatahi who have, or are alleged to have committed an offence.
It gives them a genuine opportunity to change their lives for the better without getting a criminal record, and to make positive strides forward.
We aim to work in partnership with others to address the underlying factors that contribute to offending as early as possible, to reduce the potential for lifelong offending. We also want to better support victims to participate in youth justice processes.
Youth justice family group conferences (FGCs) give the tamaiti or rangatahi – with their whānau, victims and professionals – a chance to help find solutions when they have offended.
When a tamaiti (10–14 years) breaks the law, we work with them in a way that carefully considers their age, along with any whānau issues that may be affecting their safety and behaviour.
If you’re a victim of a crime committed by a rangatahi, you have the right to attend their youth justice family group conference (FGC).
Residences provide a safe, secure and supportive environment where rangatahi can get their lives back on track and improve their prospects for the future.
Being able to stay connected to their whānau and community gives rangatahi going through the youth justice system a better chance of getting back on track.
The Government has committed to addressing child and youth offending, with a target of reducing serious, repeat offending by 15%.