Feedback and complaints
We value your feedback – good and bad – and are committed to responding to you and working with you to resolve concerns you might have.
Making a complaint
If you are unhappy with Oranga Tamariki you can make a complaint. You could be unhappy about:
- a decision we have made
- an action we have taken or not taken
- the way we have treated you
- the standard of service we have provided you with.
Making a complaint is not a bad thing and will not make things worse. We work hard to listen to everyone and welcome feedback good and bad.
You can make a complaint using our online form. You can also make a complaint at your local office, call or write to us.
What happens after you make a complaint
We'll acknowledge your complaint by phone or email and let you know what happens next. You'll receive a reference number for your complaint, and we'll tell you who will be reviewing it.
We'll talk with you so that we understand what went wrong and what actions you would like us to take to make things better.
We do our best to resolve complaints as soon as possible and we’ll tell you the timeframe. We try to make a decision within 35 working days. But, if your complaint is complex, we may need to work with others to resolve it – this will take longer.
We will then talk to you about the outcome of our review, and you can ask to be kept up to date on the actions we take.
Complaints process
Once you have submitted a complaint:
- We log your complaint and send you a reference number.
- We assign someone to review it.
- The assigned person will contact you to hear your feedback and the outcome you want.
- They will review relevant files and policies and complete an assessment.
- The assigned person will contact you to discuss their findings.
- We will provide a formal written outcome.
How we review complaints
Most complaints are reviewed by your local site office, because they’re close to the source of the concerns. These complaints are managed by the site manager. They’ll work in a mana-enhancing way with everyone to resolve the issues.
In some cases, you may have already tried to address the concern with the site, the issues might be more complicated, or you might want someone who has not been involved to look into your complaint. In these cases, we will work out who is the best person to review your complaint.
We are committed to keeping your information safe. Any information you provide, including your name, contact details, and information about your complaint, will be collected to help us consider your complaint. The information we hold about you is protected under the Privacy Act 2020.
We may need to share some information in some circumstances. For example, we may need to speak to other people to understand what has happened. We will talk to you about this first, so you understand what that means.
Our primary purpose for sharing information is to protect and support the safety and well-being of tamariki, their whānau, caregivers, and communities.
Support to make a complaint
We know it can be hard to tell your story and you may be nervous about what will happen.
You can find out about specific support types below.
If English is not your first or preferred language, you can also ask Oranga Tamariki for a translator.
Children and youth | Tamariki and rangatahi
You can ask another person to be your advocate and make a complaint on your behalf. This person could be a family member, friend or social worker.
An advocate can do things like:
- help you work out what you want to say
- write down what you want to say so you don’t forget
- send a complaint on your behalf
- speak for you if you don’t want to speak for yourself
- go to meetings with you.
We will check that they have your permission to talk to us.
If you're a child or young person in care, VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai is available to help you. They can help you express your point of view about issues that are important to you.
You can also find information to understand your rights on our website. Here you can find the Care Standards. These can tell you how you can speak up and share your views so that your worries can be addressed.
Whānau and caregivers
If you are a whānau member or caregiver and need support, your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau should have information about local organisations that can help.
You can also call the free Caregiver Support Line on 0508 227 377 to talk.
For advice on your rights and other support available, see:
our support and learning page.
Disabled people | Whaikaha
The Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service can answer questions and advocate for you if you have a disability.
If you are not happy with the result of a complaint, you can also complain to the Health & Disability Commissioner.
Complaint outcome
The outcome might be:
- Yes, you’re right. We did something wrong. We need to apologise and put things right.
- We don't know yet. We need more information.
- We believe we have acted appropriately, and we’ll explain why.
Sometimes, the outcome says that Oranga Tamariki realises that things must be done differently to make sure that what happened to you doesn’t happen to other people.
When Oranga Tamariki must make changes, we keep your complaint open until we have made all the changes and improvements.
If you are unhappy with the outcome
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman is an independent organisation. They listen and help with problems for children in care. They can also help with complaints about other care providers.
Contract the Ombudsman:
- call 0800 184 184
- email
You can also learn more about the Ombudsman on their websites:
Issues we cannot help with
There are some issues that Oranga Tamariki do not manage because they need a different kind of response. But we still want to hear from you and will try to help.
We may advise you of alternative people to contact, or work with you to find another pathway to address your concerns. For example, if you have an issue of concern or a complaint about:
A child's safety or wellbeing
- call freephone 0508 326 459 (available 24/7)
- email us at
Our partners’ services
We do not handle complaints about organisations we have approved to deliver care and protection services.
To make a complaint about these services, contact the care provider. If you’re not happy with the outcome, make a complaint to the Ombudsman:
- call 0800 184 184
- email
A court decision
Our complaints process is unable to consider decisions made by the Court.
If you have concerns about Court decisions, you can raise your concerns either by seeking legal advice, or by contacting the Court.
Abuse that occurred in care
If you have experienced abuse or neglect while in our care, you may be able to make a claim. Talk to us, we can help find ways to support you.
Not sure what help you need?
If you are not sure what to do, contact us on 0508 326 459 and we will try to help you work out what to do.
Submit your complaint
If you are a child or young person
Tamariki can give us feedback using our unique form for children in care or by using any of the methods below.
More advice for tamariki to give us feedback.
Contact your local office
The easiest way to sort out a problem is usually to contact your local Oranga Tamariki office. Talk to the person you've been dealing with or ask for the manager.
Call us
Call 0508 326 459 (0508 FAMILY) and ask to be put through to the Feedback and Complaints Team.
Your call will be received by the National Contact Centre. They may ask you about your concerns to make sure that any urgent issues are directed to the appropriate team for an urgent response.
Write to us
You can complete a paper feedback form from your local Oranga Tamariki office, or write to us at:
Oranga Tamariki Feedback and Complaints
PO Box 546
Wellington 6014
Use our online form
Submit your complaint in the online form below.
Completed forms are sent directly to the Feedback and Complaints team. You’ll receive an automatic reply email so that you know your form has been received.
We’ll get back to you within 5 days to confirm your contact details.
Online form
Published: March 24, 2017 · Updated: December 12, 2023