Pacific reports

2 complementary reports reflect the views of Pacific children, young people, their families and caregivers.

Talanoa mai Tamaiki - The voices of Pacific children and young people

Oranga Tamariki engaged with Pacific children and young people in care to better understand what enables them to talk with adults and participate in decision-making, and their experiences of being connected to their family, cultural identity, and faith.

Ola manuia mo alo ma fanau Pasefika - A blessed wellbeing for our children, young people and families

Oranga Tamariki asked external Pacific researchers to canvass the experiences, insights and voices of Pacific families that have engagements and interactions with Oranga Tamariki.

They also sought feedback from Pacific carers who look after children in the care of Oranga Tamariki and Pacific social workers from Pacific community providers.

Published: August 8, 2023