Safety of Children in Care

The Safety of Children in Care unit reviews and measures the findings of harm for tamariki and rangatahi in care. This enables us to better understand what is happening for tamariki in our care, and mahi to prevent future harm.

Most tamariki enter the care of Oranga Tamariki because they have been harmed. The data shows that, where we remove tamariki from those harmful situations, in the vast majority of cases we keep them safe. But it also shows that some tamariki continue to experience harm – from whānau, other adults or other tamariki.  

We have taken action around harmful situations, well before the data was collected. In some cases they have involved other agencies, such as the Police. In every single case social workers have done an assessment to determine how we should proceed and whether to involve others.

The harm of any tamaiti or rangatahi is unacceptable. This data shows that the changes we are implementing are essential.

Annual report

Published: March 13, 2019 · Updated: January 29, 2024