Caregiver Story – Ngaire Moir

Published: June 27, 2024

Ngaire began her caregiving journey in 2006 as an emergency caregiver, until she got a phone call from a social worker that said they are looking for a caregiver for a baby. Ngaire instantly responded “of course we will take them in”, and this baby has been with Ngaire ever since.

Ngaire Moir photo

Reflecting on the journey of caregiving, Ngaire says “It still astounds me, I look at them and think they’ve grown up so much. I keep thinking of that little baby who is now nearly an adult.”

Ngaire’s Caregiver Social Worker says, “Ngaire is so passionate about the care she provides. Ngaire goes above and beyond and has made sure her foster child is part of the family.”

Journey to caregiving

Ngaire has always been interested in babies and children, their development, and how nurturing develops them in a particular way. “I always wanted to be a Mum and had my first of four children at 21. I used to look after the neighbourhood babies, and I loved looking after any baby I came across. I became the community mum figure!”

Ngaire worked at Women’s Refuge wanting to make a difference for young children. 

“I met many beautiful children and had some lovely experiences, but also saw the very worst of family life for children. I couldn’t cope because I just wanted to bring them all home with me, so I decided to take a year off to regroup and nurture my own babies.”

“Then I don’t even know where it came from, but I had a thought of, “why don’t I try fostering?” So, I did the training to become a caregiver.”

I began getting phone calls to do emergency caregiving – that’s what I asked for as I didn’t feel like I could properly take on the role of fostering full time. I came to love so many young children.”

Caregiving experience

When Ngaire got the phone call to take on her foster child, it was only meant to be temporary.

“When my children got home from school and I told them we had a baby coming to stay with us, and we all started jumping and cheering. They asked if we could go and get the baby some toys, so we did that.”

“I have definitely come close to burnout sometimes - the lack of support, and everything can be a lot. Sometimes lots of talking, not much doing, it has its challenges.”

“It is a huge responsibility being a caregiver, there is a lot of hands-on physical care.”

“One evening when the other children were in bed, I had the stereo playing. I was dancing and talking away to the baby and that was when I got the first smile. I knew then this baby had decided to stay with us.”

“Now, when I see that smile, it always makes me stop and enjoy the moment.”

Maintaining connection with whānau

Ngaire makes an effort to stay in touch with her foster child’s biological family so they can maintain that connection. 

“During the first conversation with the baby’s biological mother, I told her that we love her child and will care for them as best we can. We would speak every month when my foster child was little.”

Excellence in Foster Care Award

Ngaire was a recipient at the Excellence in Foster Care Awards 2024.

“I nearly fainted when I got my award, I’m not good at that sort of stuff! I had an amazing time, and everyone there was lovely, down to earth and passionate about children.”

“My caregiver social worker is always there. I know that if I need her, she would be there for anything, not just about caregiving.”

“I’ve met hundreds of lovely caring caregivers and support people over the years. I still see them in my community, they always stop to say hello to us.”



“If anyone is thinking about becoming a caregiver, make sure it is what you want and you are doing it for the right reasons because you have to be dedicated.”

“Children are the most amazing thing in life; they will give to you everything and not expect a whole lot in return. The love of a child is incredible, they are so open and honest.”