Service Specifications/Guidelines
An A-Z of Service Specifications and Service Guidelines produced by Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children.
The Service Specifications/Service Guidelines are listed by the service/programme name, for example, Family Start and Social Workers in Schools.
We are also changing how we fund some providers. Find out more about Fee for Service arrangements.
Breakaway school holiday programmes
Structured school holiday activities that promote participation.
Pdf, 365 KB
Care Model Summary template
The Care Model Summary confirms details about each care model that the care partner provides, and forms part of the Outcome Agreement in Partnered Care.
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Care and permanency
Full time care for children and young people when returning to their family/whānau is no longer an option and an alternative permanent home is needed.
Pdf, 1.1 MB
Community initiatives for youth at risk
Community based services for children and young people who are at risk of offending.
Pdf, 423 KB
Community integration service
Support for children and young people who are returning to community settings after periods of care.
Pdf, 492 KB
Community youth programmes
Designed to help participants develop positive social attitudes, values, behaviour and life-skills.
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Coordination of services for children at risk of harm
The coordination of services to children assessed as being at risk of harm but not in need of statutory care or protection.
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Court supervised camps with mentoring
Activity based programme with a camp for up to ten days and mentoring for up to six months, designed to build resiliency and self-worth.
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Court support for young sexual violence victim-survivors
Court support for tamariki and rangatahi who are victim-survivors of sexual violence.
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Early years service hub
Initiative to develop a high-quality network of early years services and to improve access to services for vulnerable families.
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Enhanced caregiver support
Promotes awareness of caregivers to aid recruitment and to provide a supportive framework to help retain caregivers.
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Entitlement to remain or return to living with a caregiver
The provision of service to ensure a rangatahi can remain, or return to, living with a caregiver.
Pdf, 562 KB
Family Services
A range of support services including social work support, family violence prevention and life skills programmes.
Pdf, 478 KB
Family Violence Intervention
Services to assist victims and witnesses of family violence, and to raise awareness.
Pdf, 158 KB
Family Wellbeing addendum and guidelines
Services from family support work to intensive social work intervention.
Pdf, 1.1 MB
Family and crisis counselling guidelines
Counselling services for children and young people and their families/whānau.
Pdf, 468 KB
Fast Track Service Specification
Fast Track provides a rapid response pathway for tamariki and rangatahi who have come to the attention of the Police and meet specific criteria, and their whānau.
Pdf, 390 KB
Functional Family Therapy
Short-term, strength-based model where an FFT-licenced therapist works regularly with the tamaiti or rangatahi with their whānau or family.
Pdf, 366 KB
Gateway assessment
Identifying and making referrals to address the unmet needs of children and young people.
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Harmful sexual behaviour, early intervention and youth services
Assessment and treatment interventions for children and young people who show signs of HSB or CSB.
Pdf, 1.7 MB
Intensive clinical support services
Services for children and young people with serious mental health, emotional and/or behavioural problems and complex needs.
Pdf, 544 KB
Intensive transition mentor service service specification
This specification is for the pilot Intensive Transition Mentor Service, which sits within the military-style academies programme
Pdf, 315 KB
Mentoring programmes
Individualised support and guidance to help a child or young person achieve their goals.
Pdf, 357 KB
Multiagency support services in secondary schools - Tauwhiro Taiohi
School-based community social work services.
Pdf, 514 KB
Multiagency support services in secondary schools - Tauwhiro Taiohi - partnering agreement
School-based community social work services.
Word, 210 KB
Parenting education programmes
Sessions for parents/guardians or caregivers to build knowledge and skills in parenting, communication and resolving conflict.
Pdf, 329 KB
Permanent Caregiver Support Service
Supporting permanent caregivers to meet the needs of children and young people who have moved into Permanent Care and left Oranga Tamariki custody.
Pdf, 292 KB
Primary level mental health
Addressing the primary mental health needs identified through Gateway Assessment.
Pdf, 738 KB
Residential respite camps
Respite care during the school holidays for children aged 5-12 who are being cared for by foster parents or extended family/whānau.
Pdf, 417 KB
Shared Care service specification - December 2023
A Partnered Care approach, where Oranga Tamariki has the care and/or custody of tamariki, and entrusts their day-to-day care to a care partner who will support the individual needs and goals of tamariki.
Pdf, 757 KB
Social Workers in schools - Te Hunga Tauwhiro i te Kura
A school-based, youth focused community social work service.
Pdf, 514 KB
Social workers in schools - Te Hunga Tauwhiro i te Kura - partnering agreement
School-based community social work services.
Word, 207 KB
Specialist behaviour support service
Support for children and young people with emotional and behavioural needs and their families/whānau and caregivers.
Pdf, 543 KB
Specialist youth services corps programme
Reducing the rate and severity of youth reoffending.
Pdf, 361 KB
Statutory care and social work service
Social work and supervision, caregiver recruitment and training, arranging and monitoring care and permanency establishment and support.
Pdf, 986 KB
Strengthening Families
Interagency service coordination that is based on developing family/whānau strengths.
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Supervision with activity
Options to respond to children and young people who have committed serious offences.
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Supported Accommodation
Supporting rangatahi to develop life skills in safe and stable accommodation as they transition to independent living.
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Supported bail
Community-based options for a child or young person being held on remand in a youth justice residence.
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Supported housing for vulnerable teen parents
Safe housing with support for teen parents and their children.
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Teen parents and their children
Helping teen parents develop parenting skills, access health services and prepare for employment or education.
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Towards Wellbeing
Support for children and young people who are at risk of suicide.
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Transition to Adulthood service specifications
Supporting young people on their path to adulthood and long term wellbeing. The June 2021 version has been updated in October 2024, with the changes outlined on page 2.
Pdf, 1.3 MB
Trauma Informed Learning Support for Caregivers
This service specification is for partners contracted by Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children (Oranga Tamariki) to provide Trauma Informed Learning and Support for Caregivers
Pdf, 288 KB
Wraparound services
Service plans ranging from small to intensive based on the needs of the individual and their families/whānau.
Pdf, 413 KB
Youth development programmes
Services to implement intervention plans following youth justice family group conferences.
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Youth justice health assessment training
An online teaching programme for youth justice health assessors.
Pdf, 150 KB
Youth services
Guidance, support and opportunities to young people to enhance their independence.
Pdf, 372 KB
Youth workers in secondary schools - Tauwhiro Taiohi
School-based, youth focused community social work service.
Pdf, 587 KB
Youth workers in secondary schools - Tauwhiro Taiohi - Check and Connect
Youth Workers in Secondary Schools (YWiSS) services delivered with the Check and Connect model.
Pdf, 458 KB
Youth workers in secondary schools - Tauwhiro Taiohi - partnering agreement
A school-based, youth focused community social work service.
Word, 211 KB
Published: March 21, 2019 · Updated: March 21, 2019